"The Gunshy is the alias under which a gentleman named Matt Arbogast creates. I’ve got a thing for grit, and Matt’s got it. He’s got a voice like Tom Waits gargling razorblades, but it works man, it works. It’s also the perfect accompaniment to the powerful tales of woe he’s growling about." - Timetable
"Mr. Gunshy, Matt Arbogast, has the voice that might ensue if Tom Waits swallowed that guy from the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, who in turn had swallowed Louis Armstrong, in sort of an Old-Lady-Who-Swallowed-the-Fly scenario. I get hoarse just listening to it, but the unapologetic bravado of the voice, the gravely dissipated desperation of the lyrics, and the nice little instrumental touches (mandolin, trumpet, violin, etc.) here and there won me over right away. “$4 Pabst” (5) broke my heart a bit, and not just because it remarks on the unreasonable pricing of "cheap" beers when they become trendy. Arbogast has one hell of a soul, especially for a cherub-faced 25-year-old (seriously: listen, then Google him, then watch your own jaw drop, as I just did) from Lancaster, Pennsylvania." - Asides and B-log
"Forget the layers of solid sonic foundations that make up The Gunshy’s overall dark sound; forget the power behind the build-ups and the weightlessness felt during the breakdowns – what is most striking about The Gunshy is Matt Arbogast’s tortured voice. Arbogast belts breathy phrases about hurting the people he holds closest." - Pulse Weekly